Monthly Archives: January 2018

S20160929 Ordinary 26 C

El hombre rico y Lázaro fueron ambos creados igualmente en imagen de Dios.  Ambos tenían misericordia y amor de Dios.  Ambos tenían un deseo por las cosas buenas en la vida.  Ambos, como seres humanos, tenían que morir al final de su vida.  Ambos recibieron el juicio después de su muerte.  Es donde la similitud termina en la parábola de hoy.

Una de las primeras diferencias que notamos fue su posición en la vida.  El hombre rico “vestido en prendas de vestir púrpura y finos lino y cenaba suntuosamente cada día.”  El pobre hombre acostado en la puerta del hombre rico estaba cubierto de llagas y con mucho gusto habría comido hasta saciarse de las migajas que caían de la mesa del rico.  Para agregar el hambre del pobre, Lázaro tuvo que aguantar a los perros, que se consideraban un animal impuro, lamían sus llagas.  Esto había añadido insulto a la vergüenza del pobre.

Es interesante notar que cuando el pobre murió, él fue llevado por Ángeles al seno de Abraham.  El lugar de Abraham era el lugar donde las almas de los justos fueron después de la muerte esperando el Mesías por venir a la tierra.  Era un lugar de tranquilidad y reposo para el alma.  Cristo descendió a los infiernos para liberar a las almas que estaban esperando en el seno de Abraham.

Sin embargo, cuando el hombre rico murió, simplemente indica que fue enterrado.  Estaba en el inframundo donde él estaba en tormento.  ¿Estaba en tormento porque tenía riqueza?  ¡No! El hombre rico estaba en tormento porque no mostró ningún respeto por Lázaro como persona en esta vida.  El pecado para el hombre rico era el trato que le daba a otros; la falta de respeto para quienes lo rodeaban.

El respeto.  Es algo que todos queremos y sin embargo con frecuencia no recibimos.  ¿Pero siempre tenemos respeto para todas las personas que conocemos?  ¿En todo el mundo?  No nada más a quienes son como nosotros.  ¡Si no a todo el mundo!

Recuerda que la diferencia en donde el hombre rico y Lázaro finalmente terminaron después de la muerte fue basada en el trato hacia a los demás durante su vida.  Lázaro no fue rencoroso ni deseo odio o alguna otra cosa para el hombre rico.  Hubiera sido fácil de Lázaro hacer eso ya que tenía tan poco y el hombre rico tenía mucho y no le dejaba tener las sobras de la mesa.

Nosotros podemos desearle el mal a personas que parecen tenerlo todo y se niegan a compartir con los necesitados o a quienes nos critican constantemente.  Es fácil molestarlos o incluso desear cosas malas para una persona como esa.  Pero, Jesús y nuestra fe católica nos enseña que debemos respetar a todos.  Que seamos sinceros, que a veces es realmente difícil.

La misericordia y gracia de Dios están allí para nosotros cuando caemos en el resentimiento u odiamos a otros por sus acciones hacia nosotros.  Podemos todavía pedir perdón y misericordia de Dios para que podamos ser como Lázaro en nuestras acciones y ser llevados al cielo por los Ángeles al final de nuestra vida.

¿Cómo realmente nos sentimos al ver a una persona mendigando en la esquina del semáforo?  ¿Cómo realmente nos sentimos acerca de la familia musulmana que vive al lado?  ¿Cómo nos sentimos acerca de la familia que tiene un adolescente que tiene el pelo verde y toca fuerte el rap?  ¿Cómo nos sentimos acerca de la pareja que al cruzar la calle siempre están gritando y llamándose nombres feos?  ¿Cómo nos sentimos sobre el pariente o familiar que siempre crítica por todo lo que hacemos?

Al final de nuestras vidas recibiremos nuestra recompensa si hemos tratado a otros con respeto y amabilidad.  ¿Nuestra vida está llena de respeto y bondad para los demás que podamos recibir la recompensa del cielo?

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20180117 Ordinary 2 B

John the Baptist saw Jesus walking by and said “Behold, the Lamb of God.”  Two of John’s disciples heard what John said and started to follow Jesus.  Jesus turned and saw them following him and said to them, “What are you looking for?”

It’s interesting that the two disciples didn’t answer the question that Jesus asked.  Could it be that they really didn’t know what they were looking for?  So, they asked Jesus a question instead “Where are you staying?”

This seems like a simple question.  We would expect Jesus to reply that he is staying at the house of a relative or in a cave or possibly in a tent in the field.  But physical location is not the type of question the disciples asked.  Bishop Mueggenborg offers some insight into their question.  The word “staying” in Greek can also mean to “dwell” or “remain”.  John uses this term to describe the enduring permanent relationship that Jesus has with the Father and the Spirit.

In the context of our new understanding of the word “staying”, Jesus invites the two disciples to “Come and See”.  The Gospel tells us that the two disciples stayed with Jesus that day.  This was about four o’clock in the afternoon on a Friday, the eve of the Sabbath.

The disciples would not have traveled on the Sabbath in accordance with Jewish law, so they stayed with Jesus through the end of the Sabbath.  They would have seen Jesus attend the synagogue on the Sabbath and pray.  They would have seen how Jesus interacted with his Father and the Holy Spirit.

At the end of the Sabbath, Andrew was convinced that this was truly the Messiah.  Andrew then goes to find his brother to share what happened.  When we reach the point in our lives that we are convinced Jesus is the Messiah, that Jesus is our Savior, we must share that experience with others.

We are very independent people, and we take pride our independence, in our ability to make things happen and get it done.  We strive to be the best at work, the best on the soccer field, the best at everything we do.

This independence and competitiveness makes it difficult for us to turn over our lives to God and to follow his call.  But, Jesus calls each of us to a permanent relationship with him and the Father and the Holy Spirit.  And that relationship will change our lives.

In today’s Gospel, Andrew went out and found his brother to bring him to the Messiah.  When we accept Jesus’ invitation to “Come and See” we are changed and want to share what we experienced with others.

Jesus answered the disciples question of where he was staying by inviting them into a relationship God.  The disciples had to decide whether to accept Jesus’ invitation or to go their own way.  They had to decide whether to become active participants with Jesus or remain spectators watching the events around them.  They had to forsake their previous religious pursuits (following John the Baptist) and follow Jesus the Messiah.  The disciples had other plans than to follow Jesus that day but those plans were changed in an instant when Jesus said “Come and See”.

Bishop Mueggenborg writes: “As disciples, we also have to leave behind lesser attachments in order to follow Jesus.  Being a disciple doesn’t mean that we fit Jesus around our existing schedule.  Instead, being a disciple means that we seek the Lord first and foremost as our Savior and that we are obedient to His Word.”

Jesus invites each of us to “Come and See”.  Some things cannot be explained by words and that is the way it is here.  A person must experience a relationship with Jesus.  We are invited to Come and See, to stay with him in prayer and meditation, to study the bible, to attend mass and receive him into our hearts so we can declare to the world around us that, like Andrew, we have found the Messiah.

Pope Francis wrote: “That is why we tell everyone: “Come and see”! In every human situation, marked by frailty, sin and death, the Good News is no mere matter of words, but a testimony to unconditional and faithful love: it is about leaving ourselves behind and encountering others, being close to those crushed by life’s troubles, sharing with the needy, standing at the side of the sick, elderly and the outcast. …  “Come and see.”  Love is more powerful, love gives life, love makes hope blossom in the wilderness.”

Some of us will be invited to the sacrament of marriage to share their love as a married couple with others around them.  Others will be invited to teach our youth in the public schools or religious education in our parish.  Some of us may suffer from sickness and pain so we can show others that Jesus gives us hope in what most would consider a hopeless situation.  Others will be invited to care for another person with gentleness and love until their natural death to show the world that the dignity of each person is God’s plan.  Each of us are invited to live for God and to share the Gospel message with those we meet each day.

Some of us may be invited to vocations in the priesthood or religious life.  The Archdiocese of Seattle has “Come and See” Events for those who may be discerning a vocation as a priest or in a religious order as a nun or brother.  Many religious orders have lay programs where a person or a couple can serve in another country or here in the needy areas of the States for a week, a month or even longer if that is where Jesus invites us.

As we learned here, it is more than just seeing; Jesus is inviting us to participate in a relationship with him.  How will we respond?  It depends on his first question: “What you are looking for?”  Are we looking for material possessions?  Are we looking for success at work or on the sports field?  Are we looking for happiness?  Are we looking for peace?  Are we willing to become a disciple of Christ, to follow him and accept what ever he wants in our lives?

Jesus invites us to “Come and See”.  Now we must answer the question that Jesus asked “What are you looking for?”

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20171210 Advent 2 B

Mark skips all the information about the birth of Christ and goes right into his ministry.  To Mark, Jesus’ ministry was the most important aspect, so the details of Christ’s birth and youth are omitted.  Mark tells us who Jesus is and that a messenger will prepare the way by teaching the people and pointing to the one who is “mightier than I”.

Mark starts the Gospel telling us about the preparation for the coming of our Savior’s ministry.  In the opening words: “The beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ the Son of God.” Mark tells us that Jesus is the Son of God.  Mark immediately references Isaiah the Prophet who foretold that a messenger would prepare the way for the coming of our Savior.

Behold, I am sending my messenger ahead of you;
he will prepare your way.
A voice of one crying out in the desert:
“Prepare the way of the Lord,
make straight his paths.”

Mark tells us that “John the Baptist appeared in the desert ….”  A desert was more than just a place with lots of sand.  It referred to any deserted place where there were no homes or buildings; a place people would normally avoid.  In addition, John was radically different from the people of that time.  The Gospel tells us that “John was clothed in camel’s hair, with a leather belt around his waist.  He fed on locusts and wild honey.”

John the Baptist had great success despite his different life style from all the people of Judea and Jerusalem.  Mark tells us that “People of the whole Judean countryside and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem were going out to him and were being baptized by him in the Jordan River as they acknowledged their sins.”

In spite of his great success as an evangelizer and prophet of that day, John was a very humble person.  John did not take credit for the many people who acknowledged their sins and were baptized by him in the Jordan river.  John told the people “One mightier than I is coming after me.  I am not worthy to stoop and loosen the thongs of his sandals.  I have baptized you with water; he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.”

As we learn here, John the Baptist fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah by preparing the way for Christ.  John was preparing the people by preaching a message of God’s love, mercy and forgiveness, by baptizing the people and then pointing the people toward the coming Savior.  But that was two thousand years ago.  What about now?

Many people today think that Advent is just a time of preparing for Christmas; the birth of Christ.  If so, we have missed the importance of Advent.  Our new Auxiliary Bishop Daniel Mueggenborg wrote “If we only look forward to Christmas as the birth of our Savior in Bethlehem two thousand years ago, we have missed the real message of Advent and Christmas.  ….. Advent is really about preparing for a future event – namely, the coming of Jesus at the end of time.”

Bishop Daniel continued: “Thus, Advent is really about preparing for our Lord’s future coming and not just celebrating a past event.”  Mark gives us this Good News of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, our Lord and Savior.  Now we must prepare ourselves and those we meet for that future coming.

In Greek, the word prepare means to make ready, not to construct something new.  We prepare, or make ourselves ready to be the messenger by attending mass, studying the Bible, daily prayer and by serving others.  It’s obvious that you attend mass, or you would not be hearing this message.

But what about Bible study?  Our lives are so busy with all the commitments we have for work, family, children, school and, yes, church.  If we could only spend five minutes reading the Bible each day it can change the way we think, the way we treat others and help us to be happier for the blessings God has promised for us.  Download one of the many apps for the Catholic Daily Readings and they are right at your fingertips.  The site will send an e-mail each day with the Daily Readings.  You can even listen to them as well as read them.

We often think that Prayer requires a lot of time.  What if we start by spending five more minutes a day in prayer that we already do?  That would be the start of a new routine for some of us.  For others it would only be a few more minutes in prayer each day.

Think about how difficult it is to just sit and wait in God’s presence during prayer.  Even five minutes seems like an eternity.  I know that it is difficult for me sometimes.  My mind begins to wander to other things because I want to be doing something instead of just sitting and waiting.  I struggle to bring myself back to the moment of waiting in the quiet of God’s presence.  Time spent in prayer will improve our relationship with God.  Consider downloading the Divine Office app and praying Morning and Evening prayers or one of the other Prayer apps for Catholics.  These prayers help us to focus our attention on Jesus the Son of God.  Prayer is not always about what we want God to do for us; it is also a time for us to listen and let God show us how to help others.

Understanding God’s Word in the Bible and spending time in prayer will prepare us to face the day to day issues that come our way.  It will also prepare us when tragedy strikes because we know that our help and strength come from God.

We usually think of Advent as a time of waiting.  As we have discovered here, Advent is also a time of preparing, a time of preparing our hearts with anticipation for the coming of our Savior at the end of time.

When we wait with anticipation for an upcoming event, there are many things that must be done.  We spend hours preparing for the occasion.  We tell our friends about the coming event and the preparations we are making for the visit.

Anticipation can also be described as “in preparation for” or “Hope” or “Joy”.  Merriam-Webster defines anticipation as “visualization of a future event or state”.  Are we able to visualize the future coming of our Savior?  We must anticipate that second coming with joy so that we too can see Jesus face to face in the Kingdom he has prepared for us.

I don’t see anyone here clothed in camel’s hair with a leather belt around their waist.  And I doubt that any of us are eating locusts or wild honey in this climate, especially at this time of year.  We are not that different from the people around us like John was in his day.  However, we are still called to be messengers to prepare the way of the Lord.  We do that by sharing the Scriptures we learned from the Daily Readings and by the power of the Holy Spirit who will guide us with the right words to comfort a stranger we just met, the teenager and her family who is pregnant, the family whose son was arrested and is facing jail time.

Are we being a messenger for the second coming of our Lord?  We will never be as great as John the Baptist.  But are we, like John the Baptist, preparing the way and pointing others to our Lord?

Do we look beyond the celebration of Christmas as the birth of Christ to his second coming as our Savior?  Can others see that we are looking with anticipation for our Lord’s coming?  Are we helping others prepare for Christ’s second coming by the way we live our lives?

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Break in Publications from September 2016 to December 2017

At the end of September 2016, Fran had knee replacement surgery.  The surgery was successful but three days after she came home from the hospital, she fell and tore the patella tendon.

I became a fulltime caregiver and was unable to leave her alone.  Fran had several minor falls that twisted her knee and set her back immensely.  We made the decision to return to the York Pennsylvania area (where we lived thirty years ago) to be near our youngest daughter and Fran’s family.

Fortunately, my pastor and the Archbishop permitted me to step back from my ministry and continue to serve when possible.  In November 2017, Fran’s niece came from Pennsylvania to help care for Fran.  This permitted me to return to my diaconal ministry. We are forever grateful for all the prayers and support from our parish community, our family and all the friends we have made over the years.


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20160929 Ordinary Weekday 26 C

Nathanael is believed to be the same person as Bartholomew, whose name appears in the list of apostles in the Gospels.  Nathanael means “God has given” or “gift from God”.

In the Gospel, Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward him and said of him, “Here is a true child of Israel.  There is no duplicity in him.”

The Gospels usually use very simple language.  Jesus always spoke in simple, easy to understand words.  But here is a word that is very different and is not a word that we would even use in our everyday use.  Duplicity.  What is duplicity?

The thesaurus has the following: deceit, deception, dishonesty, disloyalty, treachery, betrayal and many more.  Jesus said that Nathanael had none of these attributes.  This indeed was a great compliment.  Jesus did not have any problem describing the Pharisees and leaders as hypocrites and here he identifies Nathanael as a sincere upright person who was honest, loyal and caring.

How often do we meet or know people who are deceitful, dishonest, disloyal and will betray you seeming without remorse?  More importantly, we must examine our own lives to see if we are like that at times.  We may not be overtly dishonest or disloyal, but when it is convenient, do we stray from the straight path?

As Christians, we strive to be close to God and follow Jesus’ teachings.  It’s not easy.  People give us so many opportunities to fail.  But Jesus knows our hearts just as he knew Nathanael’s when he was under the fig tree.

We must live our lives so that Jesus will say the same about us as he said about Nathanael; “There is no duplicity in us.”

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20160925 Ordinary 26 C

We all know the story of the rich man and Lazarus.  It’s one of the stories we probably learned about as a child.  There are a number of similarities and differences in their lives.

The rich man and Lazarus were both created equally in God’s image.  Both had God’s mercy and love.  Both had a desire for the good things in life.  Both, as humans, had to die at the end of their life.  Both received the judgment after their death.  That is where the similarity ends in today’s parable.

One of the first differences we notice was their position in life.  The rich man “dressed in purple garments and fine linen and dined sumptuously each day.”  The poor man lying at the door of the rich man was covered with sores and would gladly have eaten his fill of the scraps that fell from the rich man’s table.

We would surmise from our knowledge of the culture at the time of Christ, that the poor man had an infirmity that prevented him from working to support his family or he would not be lying at someone’s door.  He was shamed by his inability to work and earn a wage to survive in the harsh world of that time.

Dogs even came to lick his sores.  We are fond of our pets and dogs become like a family member for us.  We are happy when our dog comes to lick us.  But the Jewish people considered dogs unclean and would never consider keeping one as a pet.  To add to the poor man’s hunger, Lazarus had to endure an unclean animal licking his sores.  This added insult upon the poor man’s shame.

Both the rich man and the poor man died.  When they died, all earthly feelings, including pain and suffering, ended.  Their ability to influence their destiny stopped and both of them faced the judgment based on how they lived their lives on earth.

It is interesting to note that when the poor man died, he was carried away by angels to the bosom of Abraham.  The Bosom of Abraham was the place where the souls of the just went after death waiting for the Messiah to come to earth.  It was a place of peace and quiet repose for the soul.  Christ descended into hell to release the souls who were waiting in Abraham’s Bosom.

However, when the rich man died, it simply states that he was buried.  He was in the netherworld where he was in torment.  Was he in torment because he had wealth?  No! The rich man was in torment because he showed no respect for Lazarus as a person in this life.  The sin for the rich man was the way he treated others; the lack of respect for those around him.

Respect.  It’s something we all want and yet we frequently don’t receive.  But do we always have respect for everyone we meet?  Everyone?  Not just others who are like us.  Everyone!

As a child, I was raised to respect everyone regardless of who they were; regardless of the color of their skin or their position in life.  During my formation studies to become a deacon, I was impressed by the amount of emphasis the Catholic Church placed on the Dignity of the Human Being.  That teaching articulated the way I was taught as a child but could not express in word.

The problem with our society and world today is that we have lost our respect for each person as a human being; a Child of God.  Slowly over time, we then lose respect for ourselves and begin to despise and hate others.  That is what happened at Burlington Mall a couple nights ago; a person killed five people because he lost respect for the dignity of those people.

Remember, the difference in where the rich man and Lazarus finally ended after death was based on the way they treated others during their life.  Lazarus didn’t resent or wish hateful things on the rich man.  It would have been easy for Lazarus to do that since he had so little and the rich man had so much and wouldn’t even let him have the scraps from the table.

In situations like that, it is easy to become as sinful as the other person who had not regard for others.  It’s “Not Fair!”  Jesus never said that life would be fair.  In fact, he said the exact opposite; Life would be hard, People will hate you for my name, Take up your cross and follow me.

We may have wished bad on people who seem to have everything and refuse to share with those in need or to those who criticize us constantly.  It’s easy to resent or even wish bad things for a person like that.  But, Jesus and our Catholic faith teaches us that we must respect everyone.  Let’s face it, that is really difficult at times.

God’s mercy and grace are there for us too when we fail and resent or hate others for their actions toward us.  We can still ask for God’s forgiveness and mercy so we can be like Lazarus in our actions and be carried to heaven by the angels at the end of our life.

Do we truly respect the person begging on the corner at the traffic light?  Do we really respect the Muslim family who lives next door?  Do we respect the family that has a teenager who has green hair and plays loud rap?  Do we respect the couple across the street who are always yelling and calling each other names?  Do we respect the relative who is always critical of everything we do?  Will we respect the winner of our elections this year even if we didn’t vote for that person?  Will we respect others who voted for that person?

At the end of our lives we will receive our reward if we have treated others with respect and kindness even though they are different than us or have been hateful toward us.  Will our lives be full of respect and kindness for others so we too can receive the reward of heaven?

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20160826 Ordinary Weekday 21 C

Today’s Gospel tells us about ten people who were waiting for the wedding feast to begin.  Five brought extra oil with them and five didn’t.  We could say that the five with the extra oil were prepared for whatever could go wrong.

To help understand the parable, we need to look at the customs of that day.  A wedding was held at the house of the bride’s father.  The virgins are the bridesmaids who are in the house for the wedding.  Remember that in those days, marriages were arranged by the parents to build a good partnership between the two families for economic, political or even military power.

The groom was delayed for a long time.  When it was announced that the groom was finally going to arrive, five of the virgins needed oil to be ready to participate in the wedding.  They were unprepared and needed to go buy oil in the middle of the night.  When they found a merchant who would sell them the oil they needed and returned to the wedding, it was too late.  The wedding had started and the door was locked since it was the middle of the night.  They five people who went to get more supplies were locked out.

The fact that all ten of the virgins were in the house of the bride did not guarantee that they would attend the wedding.  Five of them were not prepared for the long wait for the groom to appear.  The bride’s father’s house represents the church.  It is important that, even though we attend church, participate and volunteer to help others, we are truly children of the Kingdom of God.

There is a lot of talk now days about being prepared.  Some people stock food and supplies just in case there is a major natural disaster or civil unrest.  They want to be ready to survive any situation for however long it takes.  These people are frequently referred to as “Preppers”.

We too must be prepared.  But our preparation is not of this world with food, guns, fuel and safe rooms.  We prepare for a Heavenly Kingdom by the way we live our lives.  Our supply of “oil” is the kindness we show to others; the homeless person we help or the comfort we give to the person who just found out they have terminal cancer.  By our actions, we will ensure we have flasks of oil so we are ready when Jesus comes for us.

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20160824 Ordinary Weekday 21 C

Today is the Feast of Saint Bartholomew, Apostle.  He was martyred in Armenia.  Nathanael is believed to be the same person as Bartholomew, whose name appears in the list of apostles in the Gospels.  Philip is the person in today’s Gospel who went and told Nathanael “We have found the one about whom Moses wrote in the law, and also the prophets, Jesus son of Joseph, from Nazareth.”

Nathanael means “God has given” or “gift from God”.  Nathanael doubted that Jesus could be the Messiah when he first heard Philip describe him.  However, he believed after he listened to Jesus.

In the Gospel, Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward him and said of him, “Here is a true child of Israel.  There is no duplicity in him.”

The Gospels usually use very simple language.  Jesus always spoke in simple, easy to understand words.  But here is a word that is very different and is not a word that we would even use in our everyday use.  Duplicity.  What is duplicity?

The thesaurus has the following: deceit, deception, dishonesty, disloyalty, treachery, betrayal and many more.  Jesus said that Nathanael had none of these attributes.  This indeed was a great compliment.  Jesus did not have any problem describing the Pharisees and leaders as hypocrites and here he identifies Nathanael as a sincere upright person who was honest, loyal and caring.

How often do we meet or know people who are deceitful, dishonest, disloyal and will betray you seeming without remorse?  More importantly, we must examine our own lives to see if we are like that at times.  We may not be overtly dishonest or disloyal, but when it is convenient, do we stray from the straight path?

As Christians, we strive to be close to God and follow Jesus’ teachings.  It’s not easy.  People give us so many opportunities to fail.  But Jesus knows our hearts just as he knew Nathanael’s when he was under the fig tree.

We must live our lives so that Jesus will say the same about us as he said about Nathanael; “There is no duplicity in us.”

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20160819 Ordinary Weekday 20 C

The people really liked Jesus because his teaching spoke to their hearts.  Jesus understood their situation and talked to them and treated them with respect.  The Sadducees tried to trick Jesus with a complex question.  Jesus answered the question in a way that made the Sadducees look ridiculous.

The Pharisees heard that the Sadducees attempt failed so they decided to test Jesus by asking him a question that would difficult to answer.  This way they could trap him and make him look bad in the eyes of the people.  If they succeeded, it would be something they could hold over the Sadducees.

But it didn’t work out for them.  Jesus saw through their deceit and gave an answer they had to accept.  The first commandment is to “Love the Lord with all your heart, soul and mind.”  The second is like it.  Love your neighbor as yourself.

First, we must love God because God is love.  The love that God has for everyone flows out to all people.  Since we are born in God’s image, we are at our best when we love too.  Jesus told us to “Love others as we love ourselves”.  If we love God with all our heart, soul and mind; we will automatically love others.

Loving others is very difficult at times.  There always seems to be a couple of people who get to us regardless of how hard we try to kind.  A family member (and they are usually the worst), the co-worker, the neighbor and even the stranger whether they are the homeless person or the obnoxious clerk at the store.

And yet, Jesus commanded us to love that difficult person.  This coming week, let us select a person that is difficult to love and pray that God will help us to understand them better, to try to see life from the situation that they are living and to help our hearts reach out to them in love.

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20160817 Ordinary Weekday 20C

Saint Matthew’s Gospel by the Faculty at the University of Navarre helps us to understand our Gospel reading.

“This parable is addressed to the Jewish people, whom God called at an early hour, centuries ago.  Now the Gentiles are also being called—with an equal right to form part of the new people of God, the Church.  In both cases it is a matter of a gratuitous, unmerited, invitation; therefore, those who were the “first” to receive the call have no grounds for complaining when God calls the “last” and gives them the same reward — membership of his people.  At first sight the labourers of the first hour seem to have a genuine grievance — because they do not realize that to have a job in the Lord’s vineyard is a divine gift.  Jesus leaves us in no doubt that although he calls us to follow different ways, all receive the same reward — heaven.”

The same is also true for us today.  We would not expect a person who has been a vile, hateful and terrible person, who has robbed people, killed and even maimed others to get into heaven.  However, if that person repents of their sins and receives forgiveness from God just before they die, they will receive the eternal reward of heaven.

A person who has served God all of their life, been active in the church and community, helped those in need and protected those in danger will receive God’s eternal reward of heaven when they die.

It doesn’t seem fair but it’s not about fairness.  Fairness is a human judgement that based more on my point of view than the facts.  Fortunately, it’s about God’s love and mercy which is available to everyone; the person who follows God’s calling and the worst of criminals alive.  Just as God was there for the Children of Israel regardless of how many times they failed or turned away from him, he is there for us.

God calls all of us to receive him as our Lord and Savior.  Some of us accept and some of us refuse.  The person who receives God just before they die could very easily have died before they accepted God into their life.  Then that person would never have known God’s love, never have felt God close to them and spent eternity without God.

Heaven is our reward for accepting Jesus into our hearts and lives.  For those of us who accepted God’s love, mercy and forgiveness and serve God with all of our lives, we must continue to follow him so we can receive the eternal reward.  For those of us who are resisting God’s love and mercy, Jesus calls each one to accept him and work to build the Kingdom of God so we can receive our reward – eternity in heaven.  May each of us respond to God’s gift of love, mercy and forgiveness.

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