20151014 Ordinary Weekday 28 B

In the first reading we hear: “For by the standard by which you judge another you condemn yourself, since you, the judge, do the very same things.”
When I was young, I had a mentor who had a number of sayings. One was “We criticize in others the things we subconsciously dislike about ourselves.” I am always reminded of this whenever I start to criticize someone. It begins a real searching within to see “Do I really do that?” and usually the answer is yes. Then the real work begins; trying not to do that anymore. And that’s hard.
But Paul’s takes it one step further. Paul said that we will be judged by the very standard that we judge others. Isn’t criticizing another person the same as judging that person? We don’t usually think of it that way, but isn’t it the same?
Paul continued: “For it is not those who hear the law who are just in the sight of God; rather, those who observe the law will be justified.” Observing the law means that we treat others with respect and dignity, not criticizing, not judging.
Will I think of the saying “We criticize in others the things we subconsciously dislike about ourselves.” each time I begin to criticize someone? Am I harder on the other person than I am on myself? Will I remember that Paul said that the standard that we judge others by will be used by God to judge us?
Lord, help me to be kind to others!

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